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March 2021 Peer Advisor of the Month: Kevin Dillon, University of Washington – Tacoma

Photo of Kevin DillonFrom Juanita Murilllo Garcia, Veteran & Military Resource Center Director at UWT: “It’s Kevin’s last quarter as a Peer Advisor and he decided to make a Zoom Training Video for future Peer Advisors to navigate the website remotely. He is constantly providing PAVE-to-PAVE advice; For example, what kind of messaging works, sample email and/or messages, tips on reaching people, etc. This month Kevin teamed up with Pierce College’s leadership to help launch their PAVE program and recruit mentees. Kevin has assisted on event ideas and has volunteered for every virtual orientation and information session for interested mentors and mentees.”

From Kevin Dillon: “I believe that my work along with our other Peer Advisors is improving the college experience for fellow student veterans by creating a familiar atmosphere that veterans are more comfortable with. My favorite part about being a Peer Advisor is the comradery, I have met some amazing people in my time here at UWT. People from all backgrounds and different experiences, so unique and yet we all have similarities. There is nothing more satisfying to me than when someone finally reaches out to me for help or just to ask questions and being able to get them the information or help they need. I know when I needed assistance, this program gave me everything I needed. As most of us feel that we have other families that we created inside the military, this program has created that again for me.”