From Jill Hinton Wolfe, Military and Veterans Resource Manager: “Eliot, a member of the Michigan National Guard, is incredibly proactive, and in his interactions with new student veterans always goes above and beyond to find resources and connect veterans to people who can help them. For example, he meets students for coffee and then tracks down resources, like anger management workshops and childcare resources, and doesn’t take no for an answer! He is also a great team leader, sending out updates and reminding the team of great stuff happening on campus for veterans.”
From Eliot Van Pelt: “I’ve been Grand Valley’s PAVE Team Leader since fall semester of 2021. I am the most proud of how hard my team works on top of everything else they have going on. Many of them have full time jobs, families, and their daily studies to attend to. However, they continuously find time to help fellow veterans. Through their hard work, we’ve been able to successfully connect with over 60 veterans on campus this past fall! My favorite part about being a Team Leader is getting to witness the interactions advisors have with other veterans on campus. Reviewing logs and hearing from advisors themselves, I get to see the positive impact the PAVE program has on veterans. At the end of the day, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a veteran receive help from a fellow veteran.”