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March 2022 Peer Advisor of the Month: Dustin Cody, Johnson County Community College

Image of Johnson County Community College's Peer Advisor

From Sarah Weygand, Veteran Services Outreach Specialist at JCCC: “Dusty is a new Peer Advisor, but in the short time he has been in the program he has made a great impact. Hitting the ground running, he has given his time, energy, and attention to his cohort of students. He always pushes out his outreach on time and answers students’ questions and concerns quickly and with tact. He has navigated a few serious conversations that students have brought him with kindness and drive to get those students taken care of. Dusty is not only a Peer Advisor but also a veteran services office intern and our SVA Vice President. He successfully balances his PAVE outreach and mentorship, school work, job duties, and SVA responsibilities and remains positive and caring. Dusty is a great asset to our PAVE program and office!”

From Dustin Cody: “I try to give them some knowledge that I’ve learned along the way in the hopes it will help them out. I try my best and some days it works out and some days not so much.”