From Mia McCall, co-Team Leader, University of Oregon: “Austin is incredibly hard working and shows up for his team regularly. He makes such an effort to communicate with the other Team Leader and I, even through hard personal times, and is always showing support to his peers. Austin has been one of my Peer Advisors since the beginning of the pandemic and has seen our team go through quite a few shifts that really reshaped our program entirely. Through it all, he has been there to show support, offer advice on what could make the team and program better, and has encouraged a lot of participation from his own peers. I really cannot understate his position on his team and will be sad to lose him after he graduates! I know he is going to go on to do bigger and better things following his time with us and can’t wait to see what he accomplishes.”
From Austin Mello: “I try my best to be the one-stop point of contact for any resources my peers might need. If that can improve their quality of life at college even a little bit, then I’m happy to do it. My favorite part about being a Peer Advisor is being able to give back to a larger community that I am proud to be part of.”